June 23, 2011

Pictures down below

Here are some pictures Dave took inside the compartments (bilge area) where the water tank and fuel tanks are located.  There is a good amount of surface rust that Dave and Ty have been working on.  Dave was able to measure the water tank so we can calculate how many gallons of water it really holds.  We were happy to discover that it is 16 gallons larger than we thought, at 116 gallons.
I'll label the pictures as best I can; I wasn't down below when Dave took the pictures, so I'm not sure what I'm looking at in some of them.

I think this is the top of one of the fuel tanks.

The pipe should be going through the through hull fitting. 

The shower has been draining down here for who knows how long.

The Ceiling and cabinets have been pulled down in order to find the leak from the roof.  Needless to say I was a little surprised when I walked in on this...


Rot in the ceiling

June 22, 2011

The Honeymoon is over!

For me the honeymoon is over.  I haven't posted in a while as I'm trying to come to terms with the enormousness (if that's a word) of this project.  Like any other "remodel project" the more you do, the more you find you need to do! 

So far our punch list looks like this....

remove and replace the rub rail.  This entails cutting off the rail that is currently on the boat and welding new rub rail to the hull.  The new rail consist of 4" half round steel pipe and of course it had to be special ordered and barged up to Juneau.

Sandblast and paint every bit of steel on the boat from top to bottom.

Remove the shower surround and shower pan, as it has been leaking into the bottom of the boat for who knows how long.  The drain and piping to the through hull fitting will be replaced as well.

It appears as though the starboard fuel tank may have a leak; we've drained it and hope to be able to figure that out quickly.

In the galley the ceiling and insulation has already been removed and the cabinets have been removed from the walls. The joists will need to be sistered and some of the wood will be replaced as there is rot from the roof leaking.  The roof has also lost is crown and will be jacked up to put the crown back in.  The roof will be re done as well.

Dave, thankfully, is ever the optimist and keeps reminding me that all of this is doable, and we're not giving up on making it out to Taku Harbor for my Tiki/Luau/Pirate Birthday Party next month.


June 15, 2011

Fully Covered

The guys got the cover finished just in time for all of the rain.  Unfortunately there is a large hole in the top where the mast pokes through and the deck is a little damp.  This will have to be fixed before they start the work on the roof. 

June 12, 2011

Putting up the cover

We spent all day yesterday putting up the cover that is going to keep the rain off the boat while it is hauled out. This will allow us to sand blast, paint and weld regardless of the weather.  It was pretty impressive to see this thing go up!  I'm hoping to be able to salvage some of the plastic to make a green house next year.  Not sure what we'll do with all of the conduit though!  As you can see from the pictures we were a little short on the sides.  I'm told that when I go back tomorrow I'll see that the guys added additional tarps and the excess plastic to either side.  The guys got that finished after I left today.

Jim & Brenda getting the conduit ready

Sean cutting up some wood

Val & Brenda supervising ;)

Putting up the conduit

Feeding the conduit through the 2x4's

Gettin 'er done!

Conduit ribs up

Framing in the bow

Looks a little like a circus act!

Pulling the plastic over

Trying to get it over the top.  Paul walked that boom like a balance beam all afternoon

Of course the wind blew the whole time!

Finally covered!

View from inside

Rolling up the excess


Back to May...

Before we headed out to Taku Harbor for Memorial Weekend we took the bow gates down to the crane to lower them onto the SHAD.  I left my camera on the boat and only had my iPhone on me to take these pictures.  I just got around to uploading them to the computer.  Dave operated the crane, Emmett manuvered the gates into place and I was on the dock contemplating how I was going to get down the ladder after my close call from the week before at the grid.

Lowering one of the gates. 

Coming down...

Just about there...

We're in there!

June 2, 2011

Haul Out, FINALLY!

Found out last night after work that we would have to either pull the boat today or pull it in two weeks and risk not getting out of the yard before July 1st.  Needless to say we chose to haul out today.  This turned into a much bigger ordeal than I had imagined.  We were to be at the yard by 2pm; little did we know that they had to pick up a tugboat, set it on a barge and move the barge out of the way so we could get in.  That took about an hour and a half.  During this time I was in the yard and Dave and his brother Matt were out in the channel waiting to come in.  They also had to move the crane into place.

I was a little worried when I saw them jump starting the crane!

Dave and Matt staging in the channel

Moving the tug out of the way

Getting the straps ready

Coming in

Dave came in bow first, but had to turn around in order to be pointed in the right direction

Securing the straps

Setting up the blocks

Bringing in more blocks
Up we go!


Swinging 'er into place

Lining 'er up

Setting 'er down

Making an adjustment

Just another shove
