So the boat has been dry now for over a week. Dave is down there every day to be sure that we're not taking on additional water and we know that the staff at Aurora Harbor will call us if they notice and difference in our list.
I had been putting off finishing the vaucuming and cleaning of the lazarette due to the stove not being hooked up in the boat yet. Well, Dave got that hooked back up and we now had heat which makes it much nicer to work in the boat this time of year. I headed down Wednesday night to get my vacuming done. It was still quite a mess in there due to having a gaping hole in the stern for a week or so while the sandblasting was going on. There was also pieces of steel and slag from the welding; all of that needed to come out.
I got down there and squeezed under the exhaust pipe to the port side and started vacuming. The blasting dust and media was pretty wet, so it was slow going. The hose clogged several times. I got most of that sucked up and headed further down to where the hole is plugged; there was still a small amount of water that needed to be taken care of. I started sucking up the water, no problem. I pulled the hose through a little farther and must have bumped the plug and knocked it out of the hole. I started yelling for Dave, I'm pretty sure there were some F-Bombs in there somewhere as I'm trying to get the plug back in the hole and get Dave's attention over the noise of the shop vac. The water was literally shooting straight up through the hole. I think it was shooting up about 1-2 feet. I finally got the hole plugged with my finger and Dave came down and put the plug back in. I'm still freaking out at this point! I would like to point out however, at no time were we in serious danger of either sinking or drowning! It did really freak me out being down there while the water was squirting in though!
So after all of that "drama" I had to go over to the starboard side and finish cleaning up the rest of the blasting media and dust. I kept checking that stupid hole on the other side though.
I'm happy to report that we've been dry again since Wednesday. Unfortunately neither the tides or weather are cooperating with us and we're still not up on the grid.